Four years of Vatican investigation into the events of Medjugorje ended with the final meeting of the international Commission on January 17, Vatican spokesman confirms. But it may still be a while until the conclusions and the ultimate decisions of the Pope are being disclosed.

federico lombardi vatican medjugorje

Vatican spokesman Fr. Federico Lombardi with….no, it is not the international Commission’s report on Medjugorje whose contents may still take a while to get known. Yet on January 18 Fr. Lombardi confirmed that the report is finished and has been handed over

Questioned by reporters, Vatican spokesman Fr. Federico Lombardi confirmed on January 18 that the international Commission for inquiry into the events of Medjugorje ended its work the day before, and has submitted its findings and conclusions to the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) who will take them to Pope Francis.

“Yesterday, on Friday January 17, the last meeting of the International Commission of Inquiry on Medjugorje, established by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith under the presidency of Cardinal Camillo Ruini took place. The Commission has thus completed its work” the Vatican spokesman said, according to Vatican Radio.

Andrea Tornielli

Andrea Tornielli

No one knows how long CDF will take, or how much or little it will expand on the work of the Commission. But the experienced Vatican correspondent Andrea Tornielli believes it could be a while until the public hears more.

“The end of the Commission’s work does not mean that the outcome will be immediately disclosed. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith will review the file and then will present its conclusions to the Pope. (…) It is therefore not at all certain that the conclusions of the Commission are made known in a short time” Tornielli writes in Vatican Insider.

“One problem that the Commission has been facing is the huge amount of messages attributed to Our Lady, (messages) that continue to be disclosed. It looks like the Commission initially embarked on a road of focusing on the early events and the first messages” Andrea Tornielli further reports.

That the Commission has shown a particular interest in the earliest days of the apparitions is consistent with other informations acquired by Medjugorje Today.