
“Dear children, today in a special way I want to call you to pray for all the rulers, that they may promote peace and work for the good of man with the power that God has given them. I wish, dear children, that they, too, may be an instrument in my hands. Dear children, pray especially for life. Thank you, dear children, because also today you have responded to my call”

~ The Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace


“Dear children, also tonight I want to help you. Pray for peace. Pray with me for peace in the world. Peace, dear children! Only peace! I am praying with you for peace in the world. For this reason I say to you, dear children, persevere in prayer! Thank you, dear children, because also today you have responded to my call”

~ The Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace

Medjugorje visionary Ivan Dragicevic shared the above messages from Our Lady which he received during his daily apparitions on September 16th and 19th, 2012 while in Italy.